Delcoi - The Magazine

Interior design and construction tips, news and insights.
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Minimalist Offices are often marked by their sleek and stylish design touches -or lack thereof. While this trend may not be for everyone, it is undoubtedly to consider when designing an office space. Nonetheless, there is no reason why you cannot add personal flair to minimalist office space by intentionally incorporating décor and color as accents throughout the rooms.

If you draw inspiration from fun design elements, you can incorporate them into a minimalist office design with various options. Playing around with materials, for instance, can help you create a contemporary minimalist office space.

Adding creativity to minimalist office spaces can take many forms. Here's a brief guide.

1. Office Space with a View

Choosing an office design that maximizes natural light while offering a great view is an idea you can never go wrong with. Whether you are looking to build a home office or commercial office, finding a way to incorporate a great view into your space is always beneficial. The use of large windows or glass walls can allow you to maximize space and allow a free flow of natural light. Good views are also known to be highly beneficial to mental health and are proven to lower stress levels.

Therefore, a minimalist office space can use views to incorporate style in the workspace with minimal effort.

home office with a view

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2. The Ladder Desk

Adding flare to a minimal home office can also be achieved through adding interior design elements like obscure but functional furniture to the space. A ladder desk is a popular trend in minimal office design because of its multi-purpose nature and the different shapes it introduces to traditional desk styles and a room in turn. Not to mention that pieces like this work especially well in small spaces. Being able to maximize an office space while still playing around with office design is possible; ladder desks are a testament to this. The stark and sleek nature of ladder desks also means that they do not negatively affect a minimalist, clean flow.

3. Organized Clutter

If your workspace does not have ample space, a great way to sort clutter out is by compartmentalizing it in a way that is creative. For example, in contemporary office designs, you can often find an office filled with organizational pieces and materials to sort out your office supplies.

Using shelves in walls filled with baskets can add style to your office space while keeping your work streamlined.

4. The Industrial Look

A top trend in office styling today has to be the industrial look. This design style is edgy and warm while having the ability to keep things minimal. The personal touches that the industrial look adds to your office can also bring a rustic feel through exposed brick, concrete, and wood accents.

5.  The Wall Calendar

Being able to reduce clutter is key to a minimal office look; having functional, multipurpose pieces can help achieve this. A wall calendar adds décor to your office space while serving a purpose. It can be considered a way to add color to a blank wall, creating a personal and fun feel to your office space in general.

6. Strong Colors

Don't be nervous about using bold colors to add an edge to your design choices. Minimal offices can incorporate dark wood or copper touches to dignify the ambiance; these materials often bring warmth and class to a minimal office. The personal touch this adds makes the use of bold colors strong talking pieces and gives your office space a creative touch that still aligns with minimalist design principles.

6.   Large Glass Window

It is scientifically proven that working with a view of a wall can add to stress levels for most. However, incorporating a glass window in front of your desk can go a long way in creating a minimalist workspace that is conducive to your work setup. Designing an office that makes it possible to indulge green spaces outside, bring in natural light, and work as a decorative element to your desk at no additional cost is always a win! 

7. Scandinavian Minimalism

Scandinavian countries are known for their light and earthy design technology and tradition. Whether Swedish or Finnish, Scandinavian minimalism is often airy and contemporary. The light tones from the use of bare wood and pastels, coupled with large window installations for natural light, only make Scandinavian minimalism even more desirable.

8. Minimalist Luxury

Striking a balance between an elegant finish and minimalist tradition, many people design and minimal office look for. Using minimal elements while maintaining sophistication in a home office can be achieved through furniture, color, and natural light. Mixing this design tradition with attractive chairs or lamps and light fixtures, for instance, can bring a perfect touch of minimalist luxury.

10.   Dark Walls

Like the use of strong colors, dark walls add an assertive element to the design of your office. The bold nature of color like black or a deep brown symbolizes confidence; it is a sign of your capabilities as a professional. The drama that a dark wall can add to a room is enough to reduce the need for any other design elements. The simplicity of a dark wooden desk in a dark room, for instance, allows you to make a bold statement while keeping to minimalist design traditions. Incorporating light through white ceilings or large windows will offset dark features, in many ways making them even more pronounced.

11. Space and Subtlety

Similar to Scandinavian design, centering clean design elements like blank spaces and light colors can accentuate the simplicity of minimalism. This style of office design is the core of any minimal office, and for many, simple is best! Using a sleek desk involving symmetry through flooring and consistent shapes adds sleek sophistication to any minimal office.

12.   Hidden Ports

Having ports for charging laptops, phones, and other technology is essential in modern times. A secret compartment for your charging port adds a minimalist touch to your office space. Being able to declutter electronics and cables removes the presence of unnecessary pieces in your office space. Any contemporary minimalist office needs hidden ports.

" ["post_title"]=> string(33) "Top Tips for a Minimalist Office." ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(32) "top-tips-for-a-minimalist-office" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2024-08-21 03:23:41" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-08-21 03:23:41" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(59) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [1]=> object(WP_Post)#5696 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(4292) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "11" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 09:07:19" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 09:07:19" ["post_content"]=> string(15105) "Collov Home Design Uusqk 9bdr8 Unsplash

Home Office Design Ideas

Within the last few years, there has been an influx of people working from home. So it's only natural that some inspiring home office ideas would follow. Dedicating a specific area of your house to work in helps avoid household distractions and focus. And when you enjoy how your work space has been created, it's even easier to be productive.

Whether you live in an apartment or your own home, the work area you have created for yourself needs to accommodate your work needs and your own style and preferences- whether you prefer something modern, playful, or classic. Here are some interior design elements to consider and ideas to inspire you to decorate your own work space.


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Minimalistic design has never gone out of style and likely won't do so any time soon.

This design style is also an ideal choice when creating home offices because it's simple and non-distracting. An easy way to achieve these kinds of office interiors is by using a limited or monochromatic color palette when designing. Minimalist designs also pair well with an open-plan office layout or in a setup with little space to avoid it looking cluttered.


Opting for a monochrome home office is a great way to maintain minimalism. Decide on one color for the walls and ceiling, and choose furniture in the same color scheme. A monochromatic design has a very limited color palette, so keeping everything the same color or different shades of the same color is the way to achieve this.

That includes not only the color of your walls but everything from your desks, chairs, drawers, cabinets, door, and even the frame on your windows. However, this is not to say that a monochromatic room needs to be white. On the contrary, it has become increasingly trendy to use darker colors. As a result, many beautiful minimalist home offices have been created using colors like black or emerald.


Muted and neutral colors can make a space feel incredibly calming- something that is often much needed in an office. Choosing muted colors means that the room and its decor won't be distracting. This kind of design could work well for someone who has an already stressful career.

Pops and Patterns

But, for someone looking for a more exciting design, mixing different patterns or incorporating bright pops of color is the way to go. For example, one could have a muted or mostly monochromatic office and include a brightly colored or patterned sofa.

However, this type of design can quickly become cluttered, so choose your statement pieces carefully. A great rule of thumb when combining different textures or patterns is to keep them within the same color family for cohesion. When choosing bright pops of color in an otherwise monochromatic room, opt for complementary or contrasting colors that won't clash with the existing palette.

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Another great way to add excitement to a room is through the use of wallpaper.

It can be bought in rolls and easily applied at home, with the right tools, and can be used to create a bold statement wall. There is no end to the variety of wallpaper designs to choose from, whether you want something soft and floral or something more simple geometric. Alternatively, one could create a pattern on one of the walls, using paint to mimic wallpaper's effect on a room.

When making bold, statement walls, some people opt for things like unique artwork or beautiful photography, displayed to fill the wall space, creating an accent wall without needing to repaint or buy wallpaper.


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Besides the look and feel of your home office, another thing to consider when designing your work area is the available space. Unfortunately, not everyone's homes have entire rooms available to use as an office. In some cases, it may be necessary to get clever with your office setup.

Having your workstation in a small nook or cranny of the house, or even hidden under the stairs, can have a surprising effect in terms of added privacy. For example, you may find that you much prefer the seclusion of having to sit in a little corner of your dining room, rather than using up an entire guest room you would rather keep for visiting company or vice versa.

However, for people who have a lot of available space, this does lend itself to things like open-plan office designs. Aloft, for example, is a great way to separate your work environment from the rest of your home. This extra space also lends itself nicely to bigger pieces of furniture or storage, like cabinets or big tables.

Window View

Another essential aspect to consider when you begin working from home is the availability of natural lighting. Architects have designed homes and offices to incorporate natural lighting for decades, and with good reason. Our bodies produce more vitamin D when exposed to natural light, which is much healthier than artificial light.

When working remotely, one spends much more time indoors, so it is vital to ensure that your office (where you will spend most of your day) is somewhere with a lot of natural lighting. A good area for this would be a room with a window view or a window close by. It not only allows for natural lighting, but it also means a better flow of fresh air.

Combination Rooms

When strapped for space, you may find that your best option is to combine your home office with another room. Many people opt for their bedroom, as it is likely one of their home's largest rooms and likely already has a window and good lighting.

While this is a generally good idea, it does come with a certain amount of self-discipline. If you struggle with self-discipline or keeping to a schedule already, having your bed so close to the space where you work might not inspire much productivity. Instead, explore the idea of combining your office with another room in the house, one you are less likely to find a bed - such as the dining room or a busy enough family room that you'll remain awake.

Bookshelf G33c95702c 1280

Another room often combined with an office is a library. That is perhaps the more intuitive option, as libraries generally already contain many of the elements one would need in a home office- like desks, chairs, or storage space. Combining your study also opens a world of possibilities in terms of design ideas and elements, such as statement shelves.


Michael Dam 7czv6vm9lf8 Unsplash

Besides acting as storage space for things like books or vases, these can also be used as a bold statement piece to brighten a room, and there are many ways to achieve that.

If you have an already installed shelf, you could add some excitement by painting their insides with a bright pop of color. But if you are shopping around for new shelves, try to pick something with a bold geometric design or floating shelves for a minimalist look.


In any home office, the desk is the centerpiece of the room. It is, therefore, perhaps the most important decision you will make when you design your own office.

It is a good idea to start with your choice of the desk and design the rest of the space around it. Then, use your chosen desk as your guide for all your other choices.


If you have a tile or wooden floor, your choice of office rug is also important. A rug is a great way to accentuate a home office. Depending on your design, you may choose a contrasting color as an attractive design element or something more muted and neutral. Remember, however, that regardless of which rug or carpet you choose, it has to work well in the space you have already designed. In addition, it needs to be functional and aesthetic - an attractive rug in a space with a usually cold floor, for instance.

" ["post_title"]=> string(24) "Home Office Design Ideas" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(24) "home-office-design-ideas" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2024-07-09 08:19:44" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-07-09 08:19:44" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(51) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [2]=> object(WP_Post)#5697 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(4286) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "11" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 08:55:30" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 08:55:30" ["post_content"]=> string(21199) "Raj Rana Zcqsbi7zltq Unsplash


Whether you are working in an office or reinventing your home office interior, explore these trends and designs to inspire you to make the most of your space. The concept of a workplace is constantly changing, especially in the age of evolution we are currently in.

The interiors of office spaces are continuously being reimagined and will keep doing so as the conditions of labor, cultures, and technology evolve in the future.

You don't have to be an expert in office interiors to appreciate the beauty of a unique and inspired office space. These designs have blurred the lines between work and aesthetic spaces.

Home Office Inspiration

It's easy to get distracted or interrupted when working from home. It is crucial for productivity and efficiency that your home workspace is secluded enough to provide discretion and privacy.

Simultaneously, your surrounding area should reflect your unique identity and create a realm of security and focus in which you function optimally.

Let's explore some interior design themes by which you can invent your new space.

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The Minimalist Design

If you are the type of individual who is easily overwhelmed by clutter and contrasting colors ringing loudly in your ears, this style is perfect for you!

Simplicity is vital in a minimalist design. This theme should be carried through from the chairs to the lighting. It's the details in the interior that will determine if it genuinely adheres to your minimalistic approach.

Avoid flashy objects and unnecessarily bright colors. Instead, stick to a neutral palette with the inclusion of only items that serve a function. The idea is to avoid overstimulating your senses.

When choosing furniture, set your sights on simple designs. A desk with a minimal amount of drawers is preferable. Be sure to match your chair and any additional furniture as closely as possible. We don't want contrasting themes to interfere with the peaceful flow of minimalism.

Concerning art, stick to simplistic abstract paintings, but be cautious of not creating clutter on the wall you face when working. A small green plant would do a better job adding some color than art would.

To maintain harmony in your home office, organization goes a long way. It may be a challenge to organize your office if you want to keep it as minimalistic as possible, but here are some guidelines that will help you prioritize:

  1. What do I need right now?
  2. What still needs to be done or is incomplete?
  3. What constantly needs to be within reach?

Everything that doesn't necessarily need to be in your space immediately can be neatly packed away in space-saving furniture. Try to invest in furniture that can close and cover what it incases. A large stack of files is never pleasing to behold. Closing a little cupboard door on it makes all the difference.

You can even take minimalism a step further and invest in a fold-out desk. This way, when your working day is done, you simply fold your office space into the wall. Out of sight, out of mind!

The Clean And Bright Design

The idea behind the clean and bright office interior concept is that the wall color from the ceiling to the floor is white. This absence of color gives you the freedom to be creative with different accessories and furniture colors.

Color can be incorporated by having a collection of books on a white shelf or vibrant paintings on your white wall.

If it's a truly clean look you crave, you can stick to keeping everything white.

This also makes for a perfectly calm environment and background when involved in online team meetings.

Designers refer to such office interiors as being minimalist with a twist. It undeniably generates an aerated and open atmosphere. Isn't that exactly what one wants in a day's work?

An open window and the wind making the linen curtains dance harmoniously is the perfect addition to your clean and bright office design and house in general.

A Splash Of Colour

Not everybody prefers the minimalist effect in their interior design style. Many offices seem abundant in color while also maintaining organization and class. There are a couple of central themes that you can investigate in your search for the perfect colorful interior design.

Collov Home Design Uusqk 9bdr8 Unsplash
Go Bold!

One way to go is to have a statement wall of bright colors such as green or yellow. While still being calming colors, you have created some life and vibrancy sure to keep you excited and engaged throughout your day.

Being your own designer, you can decide on how you want to manage the details of your interior. It is often advised to keep your chairs and tables relatively neutral if the color scheme of your walls or shelves is stealing the spotlight. But if you are one for a darker wood structure, it is advised to keep your accent wall inoffensive. Using colors like navy blue and olive green will suit darker floors and furniture better than neon finishes.

A bold statement can be achieved not only by the color of your walls but also by filling spaces with eccentric details such as a glaring yellow chair or half and half-painted walls.

A Touch Of Nature

A sure way to brighten office interiors is with the addition of several plants.

Whether it is hanging pots or a vase of flowers, natural elements are always a sign of a happy environment. This is especially true in parts of the world where the winters are long and grey.

Something Different

A great way of zoning a space is by painting only a specific section of the wall in a geometric fashion. This feature has become part of a contemporary design in recent years.

This could even be a small DIY project for you as it is so easy to do with just a little masking tape and some complimentary colors. Light blues and greys are very popular, but you do you! Create your own style in your space by diverging from traditional office interiors and making it your own interior design.

Offices generally lack a sense of identity and creativity because work isn't always associated with these things, but your workspace can be different.

Just like in your house, you are the designer of your office and workspace, and it should be customized to you personally.


Classically stylish wood finishes always seem to add value to an office design which will create a sophisticated renovation of a simple space.

Having a wooden desk, a wooden floor or a wall section lined with wood will convert your workplace into a 1920's beauty that architects aspire to achieve in new offices. It creates an almost vintage space with all the elegance a workspace interior needs.

Building Office Design Inspiration

Lately, companies have transformed the way they approach the interiors and architecture of offices in their building. With so many inspiring examples to choose from, a company's own identity and style need to come first when designing its office interiors.

In this section, we are going to take a look at various interior design concepts that will help us learn how to reinvent an office space to adhere to your needs and goals.

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Ergonomic Workstations

Having an office job usually entails a lot of sitting, leading to problems such as backache and joint health declination.

That's why it is important to give employees a space where they are able to adjust their surroundings and equipment to avoid feeling confined.

Implementing adjustable chairs, standing desks, and diverse spaces with appropriate functions can go a long way in keeping everybody in the company happy and healthy.

Office interiors may include having allocated spaces for brainstorming and collaboration. This enables employees to stretch out and get some new insight into a project.

A team is only as strong as its weakest member, so it should be on the top of every company's priority list to ensure that access to freedom is granted to everyone.

Storage and organization

How many hours are wasted in offices due to lack of organization?

Implementing smart storage solutions can save so much time, creating the opportunity to focus on work instead of tracking files down in a disorganized office.

An elaborate search causes frustration and dissatisfaction. There are so many shelving options that would amplify the functionality of office interiors.

Adaptations To The Changing Work Culture

The average attitude in an office group has changed and gained a voice in the last few decades. Cubicles and confined spaces have definitively proven to lower productivity and the general well-being of workers. People are less concerned about office hierarchy and move invested in having a meaningful role and contribution in offices.

Here are some guidelines to help your offices' interiors reach new levels of efficiency:

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Natural Light

Studies have repeatedly shown that exposure to natural light in offices not only boosts productivity but increases energy levels. Having outside areas on-site where employees can take a walk will lead to health and general merriment in the building.

Reflective Nooks

Distractions such as noise and lack of privacy are common complaints among workers. This can be solved by having little nooks created for the sole purpose of uninterrupted concentration and reflection.

Such areas can be located at various sites around the building, like under the stairs or on window ledges.

The point is for everyone to have a space away from their office desk where they can think.

Collaborative Working Spaces

Such areas are crucial when you want to create an interactive attitude in a team by allocating space in the office purely for the purpose of brainstorming or conversing in search of solutions to problems.

A collaborative space is equivalent to a lounge in a house, where comfort and communication are prioritized. You can incorporate some lounge furniture and natural light to encourage each member of the team to speak freely about recent events or aspirations for the company.

More On Office And Building Designs For A Timeless Style

First of all, some hearty advice: Don't exhaust yourself in search of the latest and ever-changing trends. Go with timeless and sophisticated architecture and interior designs that accurately reflect the company values and prospects.

Offices need some longevity worked into their design that will authenticate the building indefinitely, not just until a new building material comes into the style.

Incorporating some timeless elements of design in your offices can keep your company building relevant over many years.

Here are a few main elements to focus on when considering your office interior:

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1. A Neutral Theme

You don't have to waste time and resources trying to come up with the perfect extravagant color palette for an office. Stick to the basics!

A variation of dark and light greys, creams, and blues will allow you more freedom when it comes to the other elements in the room.

Textures and structure can often ad a lot more versatility to an office than colors can.

2. Lighting

Natural light not only benefits the well-being of your employees, it can also save you money in electricity usage in the office.

An abundance of windows and glass features will enhance the interaction of everyone in the company with nature. The light features created today are sure to withstand the test of time in that you will always be able to alter your designs with them still being relevant.

In addition to natural light, being smart in your use of artificial light in the office can also make a massive difference. Combining LED lights and natural light is said to be the most efficient.

3. Natural Timber Furniture

Wood is like diamonds, it will never go out of style. Although, the shades may vary with the decades. That is why it is wise to go with a natural tone that will compliment all the other elements in the office.

Not only is wood aesthetically pleasing, but it is also extremely durable en resilient, making it a good long-term investment.

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4. Art

Art and architecture go hand in hand in giving a building as well as a house a completed and finished look.

It doesn't have to be worth millions to add value to your office interior. Generally located in the central areas of the building, the choice of artworks says a lot about a company.

It is also proven to affect employees in a very positive way by inspiring creativity and reducing stress.

Unique and Extreme Interiors

We are all familiar with some of the most impressive and extravagant architecture and designs that a few well-known companies have chosen for their interior and exterior designs. In search of significance, some company headquarters are designed to take your breath away.

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Google offices and headquarters are designed to be wildly alternative with the purpose of inspiring creativity. With a wide diversity of on-site physical activities and snack bars, Google believes that these carefully analyzed concepts encourage employees to be very interactive and open toward exploring new ideas.

The open plans and the abundance of common areas encourage collaborative collisions. Although the exterior architecture of Google's building may seem insignificant, architects definitely went out of their way to make the interior site a picture to behold.

Pangea Digital Garage

Tokyo architecture really got it right with their incredible interior design for this co-working space. The theme being Pangea, architects were in search of realizing the concept of people from different cultures and backgrounds coming together as one, just as Pangea was once a whole.

The headquarters of this building is completed with an alternative design of huge ribbons of wood providing desk surfaces. The curved nature of the furnishing was perfected by architects and designers to create a feeling of harmony and deconfinement that truly sets this company's space.

The Smithson Tower In London's Mayfair

ConForm architects strove to design a building that feels more like a house. These architects completed a homely office for this financial institution in the city of London with the goal of creating diverse spaces with diverse functions.

The floor plan is collectively open with views of the surrounding city. The space is split into zones of respective functions. Some have strong ties to domestic architecture, encouraging employees to feel relaxed and at home, considering their relatively stressful roles in the company.

Natural tones and soft textures are central to this design.

" ["post_title"]=> string(36) "OFFICE DESIGN- THE TRENDS AND STYLES" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(31) "office-design-trends-and-styles" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 09:06:17" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 09:06:17" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(58) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [3]=> object(WP_Post)#5691 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(4281) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "11" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 05:15:42" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 05:15:42" ["post_content"]=> string(29248) "Teamwork G7e92a5dd2 1280

Concepts for Office Design

The era of the modern office design concept dawned on the world some time ago and is now quickly reaching its crux. Modern office designs are ever-popular, and employees are beginning to shy away from clinical traditional office spaces. This means that employers must adapt to maintain their top talent and client base.

Are you looking to change your office layout? Do you want to upgrade your office space? Do you need to find an innovative and exciting way to coax your employees back into an office space away from home?

Let's see if we can help you with that.

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Your Modern Office Space in a Changing World

It is no secret that the global pandemic has changed the face of the workplace significantly, and judging by where we are now, almost three years down the line, we are unlikely to ever return to our old ways.

While some of us are still working from home permanently and have surrendered a designated space within our homes to serve as an office, others are returning to their regular offices. However, companies have needed to adapt to new sanitization standards and higher demand for employee wellness, health, and cleanliness around the office. Luckily, there have been some brilliant innovations to accommodate these needs, and a lot of that is showing up in modern office design concepts.

When we talk about modern office design, we need to acknowledge that even industrial office design concepts are beginning to incorporate more natural elements into the office environment. Interior design is no longer reserved only for the homes of the rich and famous but is crossing borders into the world of office spaces.

So, whether you are looking to upgrade your home office design, spice up your corporate office to accommodate on-and-off in-office working, or whether you are expecting employees to return to the office full-time, we have a few tips for you to smooth over the process of redesigning your modern office space.

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Private Offices

The reign of the private office is slowly coming to its end in the wake of the COVID pandemic. The effect of this has been two-fold.

Firstly, productivity has gone up. When working in shared spaces, employees tend to work more efficiently and motivate each other. Collaboration and idea-sharing go quicker, and moral support is readily available as soon as needed.

Secondly, workspaces are cleaner. This is because desks are cleared out once an employee finishes with them. Unfortunately, with an assigned desk, papers and personal effects often take up semi-permanent residence everywhere. This makes it very difficult for cleaners to thoroughly clean and sanitize a workspace. But with the new wave of hotdesking, clutter is kept to a minimum, and sanitization is effortless and fast.

The ever increasing demand for stress-free office spaces in which we can more easily remain productive throughout the workday has led to an emergence of emphasis on a design scheme that supports wellness as much as it does productivity because where wellness is abounding, productivity tends to follow naturally.

Modern office design calls for stress relieving elements and can even accommodate additions such as ping pong tables in breakrooms and meeting areas with coffee tables instead of boardroom tables. In the world of the modern office space, homage is paid to the natural jungle by bringing it into the concrete jungle that many of us call home. Office design for modern office space is full of water and plant life elements. Modern office design these days will always incorporate some degree of botanical elements.

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Home Offices

The popularity of working from home is reaching its pinnacle as the pandemic continues to drive us forward into an uncertain future. As a result, the requirement for home offices has dramatically increased.

While some businesses have required employees to return to the office permanently, others have taken a blended approach, allowing a portion of the week to require an on-site effort, where the remainder of the workweek is conducted from home. And yet, there are still some businesses that are downsizing their office spaces because employees now have the option to work from home permanently.

If your home office needs a design overview, then join us; maybe there are some ideas for you here as well.

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Modern Office Space and Employee Productivity

With the emergence of modern office design concepts, there has been an increased awareness of the connection between productivity and office design. In addition, we have realized that the traditional office design is filled with stereotypically bland 'décor' and old unclean office furniture that is too often bathed in artificial lights that produce sound in almost equal measures as light itself is not all that inspiring.

Employees are beginning to expect workplace design to be an essential consideration for their health and wellbeing. As a result, employers are finding that they need to step up their interior design in a modern office to meet the wellness requirements of their workforce.

There has been ample evidence provided in the last few years that the incorporation of biophilic design concepts increases productivity and wellbeing. More and more employers are thus incorporating elements such as natural light, water features, green walls, and exciting design elements into work environments.

Furthermore, many of us find that we need more space these days. The world is shrinking rapidly with the massive globalization efforts of the last 100 years, so space seems to be a scarce commodity these days. We need high ceilings; we need larger, more open meeting areas. We need to stimulate creativity if we want to brainstorm ideas successfully. We do not want to be chained to a specific desk. We want to see employees work together. And these are all goals that can be achieved through a modern office design concept.

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Open Spaces vs Closed Spaces

One particular point of contention in modern office design concepts is the open space vs. closed space office layout debate. Open office areas are ever-popular, and even the cubicle is dying out. Individuals share hotdesks, flexible workspaces, open desk designs, etc., in the modern office. However, there is still a need for the occasionally closed space.

Protecting personal client information is a genuine concern with open space offices. People working on different teams are working in shared spaces, which is not ideal when sensitive information needs to be discussed with clients. There are also times when a shared open space can serve as a distraction. Employees will occasionally need quiet areas to focus intently on a current task.

These factors have led most companies to adopt a flexible workspace approach where they cater for both openly shared space activities and private closed spaces where employees can go to work on sensitive information or when they need to focus.

One good in-between option has been glass walls or even collapsible walls. A modern office design calls for flexibility, and nothing screams flexibility like a completely flexible workspace where walls can appear and disappear as required.

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A Green Space

Quite notably, there has been an increase in incorporating green spaces into office layouts. An appreciation for natural elements is on the rise. More and more interior designers want to bring the natural environment into office designs. Large windows elements of the natural world such as water features or plants are becoming much more popular.

Larger space allows for the inclusion of green walls. Incorporating a natural color palette overrides the clinical grey and white or dark blue overtures of the past. Even worksurface options are moving towards natural wood designs away from metal desktops.

Outdoor terraces are becoming an excellent breakroom replacement because taking a walk or having a cup of coffee in the outdoors, surrounded by plant life and the sounds of water features, is a great way to unwind and boost productivity during long workdays.

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Natural Materials

Modern workspace design has also increased the use of natural materials that are responsibly sourced and can add to the space's home-like atmosphere and natural feel. However, there is also growing concern over the potential health risk of artificial materials that might be higher in harmful chemical compounds and do not last long under the scrutiny of natural light.

Exposed brick walls combined with various biophilic design concepts have become relatively popular as exposed brick reduces glare in office spaces and can handle moisture better than most paints or woods can. As a result, many interior design concepts are including industrial office design elements like exposed brick walls into their design concept.

In light of the pandemic and other health concerns, it is also a good idea to conduct group meetings in a space where a person sitting does not need to be in close quarters with someone sitting right next to them in a closed space. There is little stopping most businesses from conducting group meetings on an outdoor terrace around some coffee tables instead of stuffing employees into cramped boardrooms.

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Natural Light

Modern offices incorporate much more natural light into their office designs, as was the norm 10-years ago. Large windows, skylights, glass walls, and glass doors add to our ability to bring more natural light into an industrial building. </p>

This reduces our overall exposure to blue light, which we know can be exceedingly harmful to our physical and mental health. We also know that exposure to natural light is essential to maintaining healthy vitamin D levels, improving mood, reducing stress, and staving off conditions such as Seasonal Affective Disorder.

The Perfect Office Chair

In insomuch as the visual and aesthetic environment is essential, we also need to consider other elements of the physical environment. There is no doubt that office furniture, in general, is vital, but more specifically we need to emphasize the office chair.

For most of us, this is where we spend most of our workday, and having an office chair that works for you is essential to optimal productivity. So even in a shared office design where the emphasis is on flexible workspaces, coworking spaces, and unassigned seating arrangements, there is a need for comfortable furniture and proper lumbar support.

Ineffective or uncomfortable office chairs often lead to skeletomuscular injuries such as lower back pain or carpal tunnel syndrome, which largely negatively affects employee wellness and productivity.

So let us look at some options for office chairs.

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Ergonomic Chairs

Ergonomic workstations are in high demand in modern office space. This has led to the incorporation of office features such as adjustable height desks, biophilic design, exercise ball chairs, and, most importantly, ergonomic chairs.

Ergonomic chairs are designed for optimal comfort and support to lessen those familiar corporate aches and pains associated with sitting in front of a computer for most of the day. In addition, a flexible workspace allows for the adjustability of furniture to suit the needs of individual employees.

Exercise Ball Chairs

An alternative for adjustable ergonomic chairs is an exercise ball chair. These chairs are best suited to employees who work best when active. Active furniture has paved the way for those who are kinesthetically orientated to increase their productivity while working in an office environment.

In addition to its benefits to kinesthetically motivated personnel, it also improves employee health as it encourages movement. Many of us do not have time or the motivation levels needed to go for a jog or go to the gym, so incorporating active furniture can increase our movement levels overall, which will have a markedly positive impact on our physical health.

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Office Design and Client Impression

It has become increasingly evident in the modern world that the impressions we leave on people matter. The same goes for how a potential client would interpret an office space and its design scheme. If a company takes care and pride in its office design and puts some effort into interior design and a design concept that caters to the wellbeing of its employees, it is something that will not go unnoticed by potential customers.

Most of us understand that wellness breeds productivity, so when we can see that a company caters towards the wellness of their workforce, it is safe to assume that they will be more productive and a greater value for money than a company that gives far less weight to employee wellness and work environment.

Furthermore, larger office spaces with more space give the impression of success. Seeing several employees sitting at the same desk, working together actively, gives the impression of harmony in the workforce, and a dedication to teamwork and getting the job done. The interior design of an office space sets the tone for how customers see it.

Many office designs incorporate color psychology which allows a modern office design to plant moods and subconscious understanding in both employees and customers alike. In addition, high ceilings and glass walls increase the illusion of space and openness where it might otherwise not be possible.

Therefore, it is pertinent for the success of a business to incorporate modern office design elements into their office spaces.

Color Psychology

Color psychology is a scientifically supported element of color theory that uses psychological and neurological data from global populations to help us understand the impact that different colors have on our moods. It, therefore, increases our understanding of how the use of color can impact our daily lives and how incorporating specific colors into design elements can affect productivity and wellness.

Let us look at individual colors and how they can affect our mood.

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Red is the color of strength and passion. It catches the eye and inspires love and excitement. Moreover, there is scientific evidence to suggest that it increase circulation.

Red is a color that increases stimulation and symbolizes our physical need to survive and our innermost basic drives. It has also been proven to increase metabolism.


Too much of a good thing can be very bad in this case. Overuse in the environment can cause headaches and eye strain.

Wearing too much red can make you come across as bossy.

We also need to remember that red is the color of danger and is used on warnings the world over.


Orange is a color that says, "I am confident. I am brave.". It exudes success and suggests sociability. Orange offers optimism and can stimulate the appetite while still indicating energy and affordability.


We need to bear some negative connotations to orange in mind. Orange is stereotyped as a 'prison color,' There are also corporate connotations to an orange color being 'not good enough yet.


Yellow is a color that shows happiness, warmth, and playfulness. It is uplifting and suggestive of joy and warmth. It also suggests high intellect.


Too much causes anxiety and increases nervousness. On the other hand, wearing too much yellow can suggest impatience and cowardice. Or it can mark you as being judgmental.


Green is a trendy color for financial services and environmental services. It is the color of nature, freshness, harmony, quality and suggests freshness and growth.

Light green indicates healing sensations, whereas darker greens suggest wealth.


Overuse of green in spaces increases tiredness, and wearing too much green can make you seem greedy or jealous.

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Blue is the most popular corporate color. It suggests trust, loyalty, and competence. It is also calming and adds to a serene atmosphere.


Because blue is so prevalent in the corporate world, it often suggests conservatism or too much maturity. There is also the risk of blue's significant negative connotation with sadness.

To combat this, it might be a good idea to choose nonconventional shades of blue, such as teal or something more decadent and not as dark as the traditional navy.


Pink is perhaps an unconventional color for the office. But it evokes feelings of compassion, serenity, and kindness. It also suggests subtle sophistication and a lighter kind of professionalism than its traditional blue adversary.


We need to use caution with the incorporation of pink into the business world. Too much pink in the environment or your wardrobe suggests immaturity and a typical 'girliness' that is inappropriate for serious business. You will need to find a balance between the whimsical element of pink and the sophistication required for business dealings.


White is often a color that occurs in abundance in the modern world. It is clean and straightforward and often suggestive of innocence and honesty.


Because of its abundance, we need to be careful not to overuse it, as overuse becomes clinical and empty.


Brown is the color of dependability and trustworthiness. It suggests a simple but rugged feeling and puts us in touch with our roots.


Overuse of brown can cause feelings of isolation and create a sense that we have been abandoned.

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Black is a color that is either feared or adored; there is very little room for something in-between. It is suggestive of power and boldness and can create feelings of security.

Black is also a popular choice for showing off formality and sophistication. However, it can also add a sense of boldness and drama to a business venture.


However, black also carries heavy negative connotations. Even to the point of evil, mystery and darkness can be sensed with black are in abundance.


Purple is the color of luxury and royalty. It is often associated with a plush velvety richness and, therefore, with ambition.

Alternatively, purple can also be highly spiritual and encourage introspection or show off a subtle hint at wisdom.


When overused, it becomes impractical, and wearing it too much can make you appear rowdy or immature.

Cultural Elements of Color Psychology

The last thing that must be considered when using color psychology in design concepts is some cultural-specific considerations that we need to bear in mind. While most elements of color psychology are universal, we need to research a few exceptions when planning out our color psychology strategies in business ventures.

An excellent example of a cultural element of color psychology that can sometimes be relevant, but not always, is that in western cultures, the color white is associated predominantly with weddings and innocence. This is a stark contrast to its eastern associations of death and sadness.

There are also some cultures where individual colors have particular meanings, and how they are used is significant, for example, the Zulu culture prevalent in Africa.

So, whenever you plan out your office design, remember to research thoroughly and bear cultural aspects in mind. Your target client base and predominant workforce are likely to influence design choices.

" ["post_title"]=> string(26) "Concepts for Office Design" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(26) "concepts-for-office-design" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 05:16:19" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 05:16:19" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(53) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [4]=> object(WP_Post)#5692 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(4269) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "11" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 04:24:00" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 04:24:00" ["post_content"]=> string(10783) "Pexels Max Vakhtbovych 7195540

8 Tips for Designing a Law Office

A big part of any office space is creating an environment that leaves a mark on clients and workers alike. First impressions often count before your client sees you; they visit your office. So whether you want to update the look of a dated law office with some new furniture or revamp the entire office space, there are always design steps you can take to achieve a clean and contemporary finished look.

Law firms are typically stressful environments for clients and employees alike; design technology and features can go a long way in creating an excellent experience for all stakeholders. Your designs can take inspiration from trends like an accent wall or involve the understated yet impactful installation of storage facilities to make your team's workplace as functional as possible.

Here's Delcoi's guide to an effective upgrade to any law firm, both stylistically and functionally.

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1. Minimalism is Key

It is no secret that a professional, classic and clean environment is key to the general atmosphere in any law office.

One must not conflate minimalist design with plain and sterile design themes. It is entirely possible to keep things simple while having flare with signature pieces. The goal is to have clients feel relaxed and not overwhelmed when stepping into your law office or waiting area. A space that puts clients at ease inspires confidence and sets the tone for any meeting that ensues.

Minimalist design is lauded for its ability to reduce anxiety and stress levels, so while this trend is popular, it is also practical in the best ways.

Keeping an eye out for elements you can remove instead of adding things is key to minimalist law office design. This is the key to minimalist design in general. Prioritize functional furniture that is not too obstructive to your office layout.

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2. Centre Natural Light

One thing to never overlook when designing law office spaces is the element of light. While artificial light can brighten up your space, it is not always the most conducive form of light for high-pressure environments. Allowing natural light in is an extremely cost-effective way of soothing natural elements while brightening up the office space.

Often, minimalism and natural light go hand in hand, proven to impact mental health positively.

Understanding the importance of natural light is key to any law office design or remodel. The overall mood of the legal workplace stands to shift positively when not shrouded in overly artificial light technologies. In addition, natural light boosts productivity levels.

Allowing for natural light can also significantly boost the overall performance of your company.

Beyond this, large windows and glass walls help create an illusion of space, making your law office look larger than it is. The feeling of space created gives the workplace a quality feeling of relaxation.

If that's not enough, natural light means you spend less on electricity!

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3. Desks as Décor

The main focus of any office is often the desk. Here is where we find freedom in minimalist design traditions. Choosing a statement desk as the focal point of the law firm or office is critical to its ability to differentiate itself from the many law firms that may exist around it.

Don't be shy to add a personal touch to your choice of desk when shopping. For example, a good statement desk can become a great talking piece, putting your clients at ease and making way for great conversational flow when in the office.

As much as a statement desk is critical, never forget the importance of having a tremendous organizational flow! Looking professional at your desk also means investing in tools to give your office design organizational structure.

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4. Modern Designs at Law Firms

People tend to be nervous when it comes to embracing modern trends. The thought usually follows the logic that a trendy piece is never an excellent long-term investment. However, the flare that contemporary design can add to your law office has the potential to inspire faith in your clients regarding your competencies as lawyers and associates who are in tune with their surroundings.

Indeed, showing personality in your law office has proven to be a great marketing tool, easing your clients into your environment and even allowing them to stay relevant in the space of social media.

Being able to differentiate yourself from your competition is heavily dependent on contemporary design technology, making you seem better than a run-of-the-mill law office.

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5. Add Warmth To Law Office Designs

While law offices need to highlight your attitude toward cases and clients as serious and professional, there is no need for the atmosphere of the space to be sterile and cold. Contemporary law office design incorporates quality and warm elements to it through furniture and office layout.


The recent years have come with shifts away from basic office chairs to ones that center comfort. In addition, new technologies in seating pieces have made elements like enormous couches and lounge chairs welcome pieces to any reception area.


Floor decorations like colorful rugs can add a warm and comforting style to your office space; this trend is one that hits home for plenty of firms.

Adding furniture and ornaments that are seemingly redundant can also go a long way in your firm's look and attract clients and young attorneys alike.


Architects and Interior Designers alike agree that the integration of lighting features in your office space can shift the mood dramatically. Indirect lighting, for instance, is a brilliant way to create a warm and relaxing space.

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6. Walls as Law Firm Design Elements

If you are looking to maintain a classic touch even in a contemporary office, using stock certificates is a surefire way to symbolize the legitimacy and success of your lawyers and attorneys.

Decorating your wall with stock certificates also allows for great conversation with clients, further encouraging their confidence in your success.

Having great office art displayed only accentuates these trendy design elements further.

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7. Transparency is Key

You will find this design tradition alive and well in any legal workplace. Most corporate companies use this style in their office design. Whether it is used in conference rooms or photocopy rooms, glass walls are highly regarded as critical to creating a better space to work in for the team at large. This is one of the hottest trends in office design that has stood the test of time.

Accountability is key. The transparency of glass walls means all workers in your law firm can hold each other accountable for following the codes of conduct critical to all stakeholders' well-being.

Using glass walls also allows for an even better scope for natural light. The sense of relaxation this can bring to both private and collaboration spaces is key to the overall atmosphere of the workspace.

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8. Add Style with a Fun Wall

Color is key. It is totally okay to add a pop of color even to a minimalist law office.

Law office design does not have to be rigid or one-dimensional. Adding new texture to a wall in the office or painting it a different color can be significant. This may be considered one of the hottest trends in law office design and interior design in general.

Accent walls are also a low-budget way to diversify your law firm design; acknowledging the new economic realities of design work is always essential.

Creating some room for an accent wall in either private offices, conference rooms, or collaborative spaces in general, goes a long way when trying to redesign a law office.

Accent walls must be done tastefully, simply painting just one wall of the walls in a room is more than enough.

Organizational Purpose

Accent walls are also an excellent means of segmenting the offices in law firms. The walls allow for clients, young attorneys, and you to define the use of each room.

Without using installations like furniture or intricate new technologies, an accent way can quickly help compartmentalize a space.

" ["post_title"]=> string(26) "How to Design a Law Office" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(26) "how-to-design-a-law-office" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 04:26:32" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 04:26:32" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(53) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [5]=> object(WP_Post)#5716 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(4257) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "11" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 03:55:16" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 03:55:16" ["post_content"]=> string(16724) "Dane Deaner Klkj7on C Unsplash

How To Design A Sophisticated Conference Room

This is the space where your team members come together to share ideas, collaborate, conduct meetings and presentations, and have private conversations. Your meeting room should be a tranquil and collaborative space where creativity is encouraged, and employees look forward to being.

Designing a modern conference room is quite an exciting venture, but it can become a bit overwhelming when all the technicalities arise. That is why we have put together a few pointers that will guide you to becoming a competent conference room designer.

Reasons for Renting Office Furniture

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Meeting Room Technology

This may seem like an obvious one, but you would be surprised to learn how big of an impact updated conference room tech can have on productivity.

Communication is key to the success of any company. If, like so many, you have a distributed team, nothing puts a spoke in the productivity wheel like a loss of connection, bad sound quality, or poor video quality from any meeting participants whilst video conferencing.

We will get to some of the latest conference room technology trends later.

Technology Incompatibility

Technology is the sole key to having productive meetings in our day and age. With many businesses, the technology in even modern conference rooms is flawed due to incompatibility with smartphones and tablets. With the growing number of people working from home, it is essential to ensure that each meeting takes place with the help of software that will agree with each team member's personal devices. This only strengthens the hybrid workplace model of your office.

But enough about technology in conference rooms...for now at least.

Space And Comfort

With everything that is going on regarding the pandemic today, not everybody feels entirely comfortable being crammed into confined spaces and meeting rooms just yet. It is important to respect these concerns by creating an environment where larger groups have more space to breathe.

Employees can focus optimally if they feel safe in their meeting space. The support you can lend to your team will go a long way to create satisfaction in each person. Despite meetings typically taking place behind closed doors, many businesses fail to create even just the illusion of personal space.


1. Different Conference Rooms Have Different Purposes

When designing meeting spaces, it is important to consider the purpose of the room along with the experienced employees and clients will have in it. As there are many different types of meeting spaces, each team should have a room equipped with everything they need to conduct more productive meetings. Let's explore some of the different kinds of conference rooms.

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The Meeting Room

Intended for smaller groups, these conference rooms are great for having more intimate interactions where participants can collaborate on various topics. Team members can support and improve on each other's ideas through having an interactive conversation rather than keeping their eyes fixed on a screen.

The Team Room

Not dissimilar from the meeting room, the team room is also meant for smaller groups. This room is ideal for an interactive display as the risk of disorganization present with larger groups is eliminated. Here, employees can strategize and focus on elaborating on ideas. The team room is equipped with video conference technology in case a team member is not present in the office.

The Board Room

The board room is the large conference room we all know so well. Among all the meeting rooms, this is where the larger events take place. Equipped with the best video conferencing technology, this space allows businesses to host longer meetings with quite a lot of participants, either virtually or physically present. Regarded as the "main" conference room, the board room will have a large table and enough chairs for all the participants.

2. Organization In A Conference Room Design

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned."

These words should be the air you breathe when designing your conference room. In keeping everything organized, you will save a lot of time looking for things and setting up the systems. The flow of communication between you and your team will certainly improve when all the focus is on the topic at hand instead of the state of the conference room.

Your conference room should be tidy, and everything should have its allocated place. Some things that may assist in keeping everything neat are waste bins, cable management, wireless audio aids, wireless presentation technology, and smart storage solutions.

Clutter is always a threat to your conference room design when various aids and technological systems are necessary. It is crucial that all employees in your company feel organized in their space before the meeting even commences.

We will elaborate on all the new technologies available to optimize your meeting environment in a later section.

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3. Interior Designing Aspect Of A Conference Room

Designing a conference room can be challenging in the respect that you want to generate a comfortable and comely atmosphere while also maintaining the professionalism required for optimum productivity.

Striking this balance is crucial in your conference room design. To create inviting conditions, factors such as the color of the walls and the lighting can have a big impact. Larger rooms would be complemented best by brighter colors, white walls, and bright lighting, whereas a smaller conference room always looks well-rounded with warmer, more neutral color tones and softer lighting.

These are, of course, only guidelines and you should always have the freedom to add your company's own special character. Glass walls are as attractive as any, but they do work better with larger conference rooms.

The magic of natural light should never be underestimated. It generates a sense of liberation and openness so often craved in an office setting. A person can really breathe in the presence of large fixed windows, for example. Such features are often missing from offices and can lead to a certain feeling of incarceration between company walls.

4. Location, Location, Location!

Imagine walking three flights of stairs every time your team members call a meeting. Sure, one could argue that it aids in fitness and health, but truth be told, people will get frustrated. It is important to think about the positioning of a conference room in terms of how far each team member needs to travel for meetings.

When the inconvenience of meeting other employees becomes too great, people might just start getting lazy in their communication by simply sending a message through email or Slack, for example, instead of officially calling a meeting in allocated spaces. This will lead to a general disconnection where support and content sharing are no longer the themes of the office.

Conversely, suppose a conference room is located two feet away from some employees' tables in the office. In that case, it may become prevalent that certain individuals are not spending enough time away from their desks. A change of scenery is sure to bring about creativity.

The placement of spaces should be designed after careful examination of their purpose. A suitable guideline would be to place smaller rooms around the interior of the office where employees could have private conversations and phone calls without being interrupted. Other rooms meant for presentations, and brainstorming sessions would do well when placed more around the edges of the office, giving access to natural light. Meetings in these rooms are bound to increase creativity and productivity.

5. The Technology You Need For An Effective Conference Room

Technology is not just a tool but an absolute must-have in our day and age. With the hybrid workplace model being all the more central, meetings really come to life when participants can effectively communicate and interact with in-office employees, regardless of their locations and time zones.

With all the different conference room technologies making their depute in recent years, we will outline some of the most versatile and practical ways to optimize your conference room. Christina Wocintechchat Com Q80lyxv Tbs Unsplash
Digital Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards can make a major difference in creative collaboration during meetings. This allows members in the office and those who join the conference call remotely to actively build on ideas and share documents that all participants can view and consider.

Interactive whiteboards are a great way to deliver presentations, allowing for support and interaction. It may also be beneficial to have video walls large enough for every participant to see clearly. There is nothing more frustrating than not seeing or hearing what is being discussed and analyzed in meetings.

LED Video Walls

Although LED video walls used to be too expensive to incorporate into a space, they have recently become quite affordable and have proven to be one of the most innovative means of display in conference room designs.

They have the ability to display bright and vibrant colors, providing high-quality presentations that look great from any angle in the room.

LED video walls might seem a bit extravagant for smaller conference rooms where an HD TV might do the trick, but they are extremely efficient in boosting a large conference call to a higher level of modernity and quality.

Wireless Presentation

Although a good old-fashioned HDMI cable has always stepped in to help, having a wireless setup will surely save a lot of time and effort. You don't want to have to mess around with a thousand wires and cables every time someone wants to share content from their own device.

When your entire setup is designed to support a wireless presentation, meeting participants can activate their screen sharing and display their content on video walls without anybody ever having to leave their chairs.

Video Conferencing Technology

With more and more companies embracing work-from-home opportunities, it is essential to integrate effective video conference technology. Most digital spaces where video conferencing occurs adequately supply all kinds of methods that improve content sharing during meetings.

Just look at Microsoft Teams. You can do just about anything from whiteboard interactions to sharing and watching educational videos on a single platform in this space.

It is important to realize that you will need the right equipment to make your video conference a success. Obviously, a good camera is essential. It would be smart to use a camera with a wide-angle lens so all participants are visible, regardless of the size of the meeting.

Speakers and microphones can make or break meetings. Be sure to install microphones of excellent quality and speakers that will deliver clear and uninterrupted sound. Some companies invest in the best speakers but do not consider how sound might be diminished in a conference room. It is, therefore, worth the trouble to install acoustic panels.

These panels don't have to clash with your aesthetic design as there are very stylish options out there. Acoustic panels are very beneficial in providing discretion in private meetings while improving the sound quality immensely.

Place your microphones, cameras, and speakers strategically in various locations to maximize the equity in your conference room.

There You Have It!

Conference rooms are the "safe zones" of any work environment. Whether you're hosting guests or sharing ideas with team members, a conference room with state-of-the-art technology and suitable furnishing can create a collaborative space where everyone feels comfortable expressing their concerns and sharing their ideas with one another.

At the beginning of the design process, it is crucial to consider the purpose of the space. Are you going to host guests? Have a coffee nook! Is your team considerably large? Ensure adequate seating and table space. 

A conference room has the potential to have a big impact on your office. They are responsible for creating long-lasting first impressions as well as ensuring workplace productivity and success. 

When times get tough, and anxiety becomes prevalent, a conference room can be like a sanctuary where problems are solved, and concepts and concerns gain a voice in the company. Human interaction has the ability to relieve stress and maintain relationships that just might be the only thing getting you through the day. This is something that most people realized in the time of the pandemic, and supporting this natural human need can be key to the up-keep of positive attitudes and mental health.

" ["post_title"]=> string(41) "Designing a Sophisticated Conference Room" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(36) "design-sophisticated-conference-room" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2024-08-21 02:52:18" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-08-21 02:52:18" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(63) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [6]=> object(WP_Post)#5712 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(4252) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "11" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 03:01:31" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 03:01:31" ["post_content"]=> string(27060) "Apple Gb9075f276 1280

Modern Home Office Ideas

Having a suitable home office is essential to our productivity when we are expected to work from home. However, too much foot traffic or too many cognitive distractions in our chosen space can make it very difficult to be productive and effective while working from home.

Here we are going to explore several home office ideas to find the perfect modern home office idea to suit your personal needs.

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Choosing an Office Space

The reality is that not everyone will have an entire room available to them that can be designated as the home office. As a result, some will have to use space in shared rooms. Although this is not ideal, it is by no means a deal-breaker, and even a designated space within a shared area can serve the purpose of a home office quite successfully.

It is not recommended to work in different spaces around the house. There is a lot of benefit to using dedicated office space of some sort. It is a place where you can have a home office desk and where you can store your office supplies. This will help you get into the right frame of mind to work from home successfully.

Office Renovation Cost Depending on Building Age

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Small Spaces

Often, when we have to create home office spaces in a shared space, we will be working with a relatively small space. Do not let this deter you. There is no reason why small spaces cannot be as magical as entire rooms for home office design.

A small workstation in a dedicated space is all that some of us need to do our work efficiently. And when you do not have an entire room to dedicate to your home office design, then you could benefit significantly from identifying a specific space within your home or apartment and simply start by installing a desk and going from there.

Dining Room

Deciding to create an office space in your dining room is a popular choice. Many of us use dining rooms only when entertaining, or even if we use them daily, they are usually only used during mealtimes and not much during the rest of the day. So there is a chance that a dining room can offer a relatively quiet workspace for your home office setup. It can also be a great option if you do not have a desk. The dining table is a great alternative.

In many contemporary homes, this area is often the room in the house with an impressive light fixture, perhaps along with a more traditional light fixture in the living room. These rooms often do not have a lot of built-in storage.

Guest Room

Another popular modern option for a home office is the guest bedroom, especially during the pandemic. These spaces were not often used in the home, and it is possible to maintain it as a bedroom while also installing home office equipment and furniture. It is usually not a good idea to have a home office in your master bedroom because that can have a negative effect on your sleep hygiene patterns, but a guest bedroom is a different story.

Guest rooms are quiet and often isolated from the rest of the home if not in use, making it an excellent modern office space solution. In addition, these rooms are a great choice for modern home offices as they likely already have quite a bit of built-in storage --- either as built-in wardrobes or something more exciting like a built-in desk or other kinds of a wall unit.

It would also be less of an inconvenience to get a crew in to build such a custom desk insertion and add some floating shelves while they are there.

If your only option is to create a home office area in your master bedroom, then there are some steps you can take to make sure that the presence of the home office area in your sleeping space does not have a negative impact on your health. Of course, you can always install panels or curtains or other room dividers to separate the spaces somewhat.

Gabriel Beaudry Wuqme0i Oza Unsplash
Family Room

This area is perhaps the least suited to a home office setup simply because it often tends to be the area in the home with the most foot traffic and the most distractions. As far as modern home office ideas go, making your office space in a living area is not advised. These rooms are very busy, quickly become cluttered, and offer too many distractions.

Separate Room

If you have a separate room within your house dedicated to a modern home office, there are almost endless possibilities for you to explore.

Different Styles

There are endless trends and styles to choose from in the modern world. But, in the end, you will have to choose a style that works for you, and most importantly, negates clutter. So, whether you have a flair for interior design or are just looking for a functional modern space to conduct your work in, there is a style for your modern home office design.

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We mention the traditional style first because there is quite a conscious step away from this style. It is not one of the best home office ideas in the modern office climate.

Traditional designs for a home office often rely on dark wood, brown leather, and lots of books. There is also an emphasis on oversized furniture and an overall stuffy academic feel, which is not conducive to what you would want to achieve through a vibrant modern home office.

While there is nothing truly wrong with the traditional style, it does have a particular visual space and requires a lot of room to pull off correctly. We often do not have this much space in modern homes, which is why it is best to move away from the traditional oversized designs to more modern home office ideas. In addition, traditional styles might be a little too challenging to incorporate into a modern home office plan.


Glam is a style that has evolved with the times and brings design ideas that speak of a glamorous and exciting lifestyle that is both sophisticated and whimsical. Emphasis is placed on modern pieces with sparkle. Metallic fixtures are mixed with sparkling glass, and the color palette tends to focus on lighter colors.

This design is less reliant on natural light and makes accommodations for more contemporary design ideas, and incorporates a desk lamp as easy as an open window.


The boho style is also comparatively new and modern. Emphasis is placed on natural elements, such as plants and natural light. Other popular elements are colorful quilts, macramé, skylights, and natural wood.

Having a wooden desk or several plants along walls in the office is pretty common with this style. Hanging a macramé piece behind a door or on an accent wall can also add a beautiful and calming element to this modern home office style.

Natural accents are the way to go with this style and create a very peaceful atmosphere for your modern home office.

Douglas Sheppard Cgzbe Pa1s8 Unsplash

Scandi styles rely on clean finishes and incorporate a lot of open shelving, clean lines, and predominantly a color palette that primarily revolves around shades of white.

Because it effortlessly incorporates vertical space, it is an excellent option to go with when you have a small home office and need to include a wall or two into your plan, even more so if you are designing an office area in the corner of a shared space. In addition, it allows for a lot of visual interest focused on a floating shelf component. Plain white lacquer is popular for a Scandi style desk or other office feature.

Many contemporary modern office spaces are based on a Scandi style palette. However, this is not exclusive to modern home offices but also applies to many offices within the cities, especially those who incorporate interior design elements into their office plan.


When considering the abstract style for your home office ideas, we draw attention to moody walls, lots of abstract art, and desk placement at odd angles. This style is highly contemporary, and a gallery wall is popular, often behind or to the side of the desk. The style is very popular as a modern home office design.

Monochrome vs Mood

When we start talking about modern home office ideas, we need to talk about color. One of the central debates with home office ideas is whether to go monochrome or incorporate moody walls.

There are benefits and drawbacks to both options.

Monochrome is simple and sets a stage for consistency and reliability. It is common in a modern home and even an outside office. In the modern world, monochrome offers a reliable sense of security to create and rest as required. However, if you have an unquiet mind, a monochromatic design can quickly become tedious.

Alternatively, choosing moody colors is a notably modern choice. Modern and exciting colors for office furniture, an accent wall, a gallery wall in a corner, or another feature in a modern home is rising in popularity. Still, we have to be careful that we choose the best home office designs for our own needs.

We need to create an office in a modern home that suits our lifestyle. If we do not like the idea of painting a wood floor or having a navy wall, we should refrain from indulging simply because we are on a hunt for something modern.

Rather go with something less permanent, such as a moody color carpet or desk for our modern home office. However, we also have to bear in mind that many modern homes are rentals, and we might not be able to paint moody colors on our walls in our home office even if we want to. 

Office Furniture

Once we have settled on a style, we need to make appropriate choices for furniture to suit that style.

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Once you have selected a style that works for you, it is time to move on to the desk. When selecting a desk, there are several elements that we need to consider—namely, the material, the style, and the size. However, just because you are looking for ideas for a home office does not mean that you need to neglect the necessity for a desk.

Very few homes will have built-in desks, so it is a good idea to invest in a visually appealing desk and highly functional desk for your home office. There is no longer a need for large, clunky desks in the modern office space. Modern home office designs more than accommodate smaller workspaces that are more functional.

Desk Chair

Choosing the ideal desk chair is extremely important when setting up your home office. Again, the style, material, and size would be essential in your selection.

Selecting a desk chair can be just as important. Do not underestimate the usefulness of a swivel chair in small spaces. Your desk and chair are vital furniture pieces and need to be chosen with care.

If you are working from home exclusively, you should not rely on a desk or table and chair doing double duty as something else in your downtime. Instead, you should have an office and a desk with a proper chair that is reserved only for your work hours.


Light is vital when creating a home office space. However, you will need to find a balance between too much light or a space that is too dark.

For spaces that are a bit too dark for productivity to thrive, you can always select some stunning desk lamps to light up your workspace.

Where there is too much light in your designated space, you need to think about ways to reduce glare or soften the light so that you do not strain your eyes and cause headaches.

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Natural Light

The most obvious source of natural light in the home is through windows or glass doors, but we need to remember that this kind of natural light can cause glare if we are working on a computer. We also need to bear in mind that sitting in sunlight can be as bad for our health as it can be good. Therefore, it is essential to be mindful of balance.

Artificial Light

A great source of artificial light in a home office is a desk lamp. However, selecting a suitable lamp for the desk in your home office can be quite a mission in some cases. These days there are a great many options available, and one must sift through all of these options and choose a desk lamp that suits the style plan for your office.

Also, remember that some of these might require wall mounting.

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Artwork, especially in a shared space, can be extremely valuable, not only to liven up your workspace and create inspiration but also to define your workspace.


We might be working from home regularly, or just occasionally. However, taking your office home with you will require storage space.

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Closed Storage

Closed storage space is exceedingly popular. However, burying yourself in filing cabinets and other storage cupboards can make an office seem much smaller than it actually is.

Open Storage

Most people shy away from open storage space because they can quickly appear cluttered and need additional cleaning that closed storage does not.


When decorating any kind of space, we need to consider accents. Whether it be an accent wall, a special accented ceiling, or simply an eye-catching piece of furniture or fixture that we want to highlight, an accent can make or break a design.

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Accent walls are ever-popular and easy to achieve. They can be a fantastic and eye-catching addition to your office. 


A more modern approach to accenting is to paint your ceiling an eye-catching or moody color.


Since we are talking about ceilings, there is no reason why your accent piece cannot be the floor. Think of a perfectly exquisite and unique rug or distressed recycled wooden floorboards.

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Bringing a little bit of nature into your home office space can help to enhance the sense of peace and flow of positive energy throughout the space. There are several helpful articles available regarding appropriate plants for your office.

Ideally, you would select indigenous plants and require little maintenance to put in your office. They are there to brighten up the office and give you something to draw inspiration from, not to create extra work for you.

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Office for Two
Sharing your office at home

A last exciting design idea to keep in mind when planning your home office is a consideration that needs to be made when sharing the office with a roommate or significant other, or even a parent or child.

This is where you can explore combining two different styles and finding harmony, or where you can coordinate and decide on a style and design that works for both parties.

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The framing of load-bearing walls

Load-bearing walls are a bit more complex than non-load-bearing walls when it comes to framing. This is due to the stud spacing requirements, of which load-bearing walls have more per square foot. Unlike an interior wall, exterior walls call for extra insulation as well as extra studs in the corners.

Additional costs come into play when a wall supports another floor, and even the roof, as this will affect the amount and spacing of all the studs used. A support beam is essential over doors, windows, and pass-throughs. Your building code is a major factor to consider and may force you to do some work on your electrical lines. You may even require a building permit even when minor electrical work needs adjustment.

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Wood vs. Metal Framing

Wood is known to be an easier material to work with, especially when you attempt building an exterior or interior wall as a DIY project. Metal, however, is undoubtedly the more durable option. The prices of wood versus metal framing are not as distinct as one might think. Wood prices range from $1 to $5 per square foot, whereas metal framing ranges between $2 and $4 per square foot.

Your choice of material in this aspect won't influence the final cost to a great extent.

Framing Doors, Windows or Pass-Throughs

Materials for doors and windows can cost you up to $500, and installing multiple windows will increase this rate even more. Framing a door or a window will require you to have king and jack studs as well as standard and saddle studs, increasing material costs by up to $200.

" ["post_title"]=> string(24) "Modern Home Office Ideas" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(25) "design-modern-home-office" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 03:03:30" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-03-01 03:03:30" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(52) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [7]=> object(WP_Post)#5707 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(4241) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "11" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2022-02-28 05:36:26" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-02-28 05:36:26" ["post_content"]=> string(10924) "Pexels Lisa Fotios 1957478

Renting Office Furniture

Settling into a new office space for the first time can be stress-inducing. The process of finding the suitable office space for your business or company can be challenging enough on its own, even without the added pressure of furnishing it. Especially when you are working on a tight budget, it can be detrimental to lose a significant amount upfront simply by buying office or reception furniture at a high price. Affordable office furniture can also be tough to come by when you want something of quality.

For this reason, many companies and businesses are opting for rental office furniture.

There are many affordable office furniture rental companies to choose from, giving you the freedom to have a stylish workspace with a much lower total cost. These companies usually also provide furniture rental for homeowners, people looking into home office furniture rentals, and estate agents who stage apartments or homes before clenching a sale. These office furniture rental companies also tend to deliver the furniture to you for a delivery fee, making installation much easier.

Reasons for Renting Office Furniture

There are many reasons why individuals or companies would opt to rent office furniture. For instance, suppose it is a brand new business or company, in their very first week, and the budget simply doesn't allow for investing such a large amount in furniture. Or perhaps your business is moving offices, and you're unsure how many desks or office chairs you may need. In that case, you wouldn't want to end up with furniture you don't use and don't have the place to store it. In cases such as these, it makes sense over the short term to use the services of an office furniture rentals company.

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There are a lot of benefits to renting office furniture instead of purchasing it. It's the cheaper option, and your company can use the money saved for more important investments. Instead of paying one large amount, you can pay smaller amounts throughout the rental period. Many rental furniture companies even offer a rental-purchase agreement in the case of someone who is strapped for money. They can rent furniture with the intent of buying it in the long term.

Because it saves money, it gives your business the ability to become profitable quicker. Depending on where you live, it is also something that could be deducted from your taxes.

It is also easier since furniture rental companies often handle delivery and installation for you. It saves valuable time you would have spent buying and moving furniture. That means you can focus your attention on more important matters than cubicles or desks.


It is flexible in that you, as a customer, can decide which furniture to rent according to your needs. Customers can browse through and try out different office furniture brands first before committing to purchasing the chairs or tables they will be using for the rest of their life. It's easy to adjust and makes accommodating staff changes that much easier.

Additionally, customers have the option to lease furniture for events. However, when you purchase it for events, it can become problematic when there is no storage room to store all that office furniture. Whereas in the case of renting, or signing a lease, once the furniture is no longer needed, it will be sent back to the furniture rental businesses.

Best Office Furniture Rental Companies

When it comes to choosing a furniture rental business, there are many different aspects to consider. Some companies may offer free delivery and set up; others may require you to pay an additional fee for such a service. For instance, if you are shopping for office chairs, it would not make sense to use operations that only stock couches and rugs.

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Cort is generally acknowledged as one of the very best furniture rental companies. When it was founded, it mainly centered around renting residential items. Since then, it has evolved into a large business that also includes office furniture, appliances, smaller items for workstations, and other services such as support when relocating to a new home. In addition, they have more than 150 showrooms, which showcase and offer pre-made templates to rent for many different kinds of customers.

Cort handles the delivery and installation of your furniture. Once you have completed your rental period, they will also pick said office furniture up. They have in-house designers that you can work with to design your space according to your desired price range. When you rent with Cort over the long term, your rent will become lower each month.

Cort is also committed to being as sustainable as possible. For instance, once their pieces have been through many rental cycles, instead of being thrown away, they are sold at a discount.


Feather is an excellent option for people renting apartments in the city or for people who move around regularly. Feather has different options concerning the rental period. They offer one-month, three-month, and year-long lease memberships, but renting from them over the long term without a membership will be at a much higher cost. They are, thus, perfect for people in need of only a short-term rental agreement.

They also have the option of rent-to-buy. In other words, if you decide you would like to keep the items at the end of your rental period, you would be able to purchase them. However, they come at a higher price for non-members. However, they offer discounted packages that are made up according to a room- such as a kitchen or a bedroom package.

Brook Furniture Rental

If you are looking for an organization with fantastic customer service, then Brook is the one for you. They offer design services at no additional cost, and customers have the option to lease individual items, items to fill a room, or enough for a home. They offer discounts on their six-month and their annual lease options, but customers could also lease from one to 3 months.

The process of furnishing a home is really easy. First, the customer chooses between pictures and color palettes that are the closest to their taste. Brook will then show them a sample package for each room that falls in that range. Before the purchase, customers have the ability to change any items they don't like.

Brook also offers free returns in the first week after choosing your rental furniture, should you be unhappy with what you have chosen to lease.

Toa Heftiba Fv3gconvsss Unsplash
Oliver Space

Oliver Space is one of the most stylish rental furniture businesses. It offers you the option of furnishing a room by first choosing a layout and then selecting the pieces one by one. They also offer pre-made templates to choose from. When you are leasing over a long period of time, your savings and perks become better than in the short term. The minimum lease is three months for their shorter plan, and for their longer plan, the minimum lease is nine months.

But regardless of which plan you choose, they offer free delivery and assembly. In addition, every payment you make during your lease will go towards ownership, should you wish to purchase them at the end of your rental period.

Myhq Workspaces Zmk4lzeuclo Unsplash

However, if you are in the market for something you can rent with the intent of ownership after the rental period, Aaron's is your best option.

They store a wide variety, from kitchen appliances to children's furniture. While it is more expensive to lease over an extended rental period, rather than purchasing your items upfront, it is still a viable option with Aaron's. Clients can invest in and use things they know they will want to keep without the pressure of paying upfront. And should the renter wish to finish paying their lease earlier than initially intended, they will receive a discount.

" ["post_title"]=> string(24) "Renting Office Furniture" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(24) "renting-office-furniture" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2022-02-28 05:45:23" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-02-28 05:45:23" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(51) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [8]=> object(WP_Post)#5706 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(4233) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "11" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2022-02-28 05:01:11" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-02-28 05:01:11" ["post_content"]=> string(20381) "Pexels Cadeau Maestro 1170412

The Details of a Renovation Project

You spend most hours of your day in the office---be it at home, a co-working unit, or a commercial office space. Therefore, it makes sense that you'd want to make this space as conducive to your work and lifestyle as possible. However, an office renovation project can also come as a result of growth, you want to move your business headquarters elsewhere, or you feel like the work atmosphere is simply outdated. Remodeling an office has the potential to offer the chance to truly consider the direction of your business and put that onto paper for a space that can nurture that growth.

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The Cost To Remodel Office Space

Office renovations take multiple forms; they can be subtle and understated, like simply improving the space with a paint job or some new walls with the touch of an expert Delcoi interior designer. On the other hand, perhaps you want more of a custom touch to the entire building.

You would consider the question of cost per square foot or location and building codes according to how long it has existed. Beyond this, you will also need to take into account what your business requires space-wise and stylistically. Finally, renovation costs are heavily contingent on material costs; the more you consider the above questions in your project, the more you may find your spending budget growing.

Office Renovation Cost Depending on Building Age

modern house idea
A New Building

The requirements for an office remodel in a new building site at an average cost of $40 per square foot may include:

  • A couple of paint layers.
  • A basic build-out of carpet.
  • Possibly a change in lighting.

This, however, does not include installations of office furniture and equipment like a coffee machine, printers, or a photocopier. As the price scale increases, one would find that a build-out with heavier installations like doors and new windows leans towards a $100 to $150 per square foot price range.

An Older Building

Older buildings tend to need far more consideration when it comes to material costs because there is great potential for taking on extensive construction costs to restructure a space in an old building. The office renovation cost is likely to increase with an older building because they often do not offer the building tech present in contemporary architecture. For instance, fire protection in older buildings may not be up to par. If there is a sprinkler system, a few hundred dollars may be needed to hire an engineer for an inspection. Installing a fresh sprinkler system in a medium-sized office would instead cost anything between $5,000 to $10,000, at about $200 per sprinkler head, and an additional $2,000 for permits, inspections, and plan-drawing.

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How Much It Costs To Hire an Architect or Interior Designer

Most commercial renovations require an architect or interior designer. Typically, an estimated 20% of your budget can be allocated to the cost of outsourcing -in numbers that can translate to anywhere between $40,000 and $200,000. While this is significant, bringing in a professional interior designer or architect could save you a great deal of trouble as the renovation project progresses.

Architects do both the physical and administrative heavy-lifting. For instance, the intricacies of an office remodel often require an overview of the size of the office in relation to the workers occupying it; there is also an assessment of code issues that are required, accessibility issues, and of course, the design and decorative elements in the workspace.

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The Electrical Costs in Your Renovation Budget

How well-lit your office space is can be critical to how you and your co-workers function in the space. Good lighting is proven to help increase productivity levels and the general mood of a room; therefore, it is important to take the element of decent lighting seriously when remodeling. Beyond this, office lighting can go a long way in the bid to impress a client or make them comfortable.

The average cost of basic lighting is approximately $250 a point (where two points is a light with a switch). An outlet with 110 voltage would need a $150 allocation in your renovation budget. Beyond the ambient lighting, signage for emergency exists costs an estimated $300 each.

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Costs of Office Millwork and Finishes

To create an inviting environment in your office, the cost of millwork and finishes are critical. Luckily, there are many hacks one can use in order to keep this part of your budget low while maintaining a quality atmosphere in your office space for both workers and potential clients. The cost of millwork and finishes sits at about $25 per square foot.

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Cost of Adding Walls

The total cost of building walls can differ significantly, with the cost depending on many factors. Details like the type of wall material can change how they are priced. For instance, glass walls are typically sold as a package and not priced per square foot. Nonetheless, the use of executive design elements would stretch the total office renovation cost towards $150 a square foot. While square footage for a basic partition wall comes into play in a more traditional sense, it costs approximately $60 per ten linear square feet.

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Cost of Floor Space

Again, the materials used can dramatically change the total office renovation cost.

Hardwood flooring typically starts at the cost of $7 a square foot, while a vinyl tile can cost approximately $4 a square foot; the same would apply to a commercial-grade carpet. Depending on the atmosphere you are trying to create, concrete flooring creates an industrial look that has become increasingly trendy -it is often the most budget-friendly option, pricing at $2 a square foot.

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Cost of Office Bathroom

According to the US code, there is a minimum requirement of one bathroom per one to 15 staff members. Installation costs for a single bathroom could cost less than $15,000; installing a handicap-friendly shower would incur an additional cost of close to $6,000.

Baehaki Hariri Ybel0xcho8o Unsplash
Cost of Office Kitchen

The office renovation cost of an office kitchen depends on the appliances mostly. A kitchenette with a sink and fridge sits at approximately $4000. Of course, this cost will grow depending on the size of the kitchenette and additional appliances like a coffee machine or microwave.

Labor Costs for an Office Renovation

Office renovations usually require plenty of labor efforts. A typical office renovation usually calls for a labor cost of about 10 percent of your total office renovation budget. From location to location, the cost of labor is likely to change -in Philadelphia, for instance, labor costs are an estimated 40% higher than the national wage. In New York City, they are 70% higher.

Beyond this, the intricacies of building classifications from city to city also bear weight in labor costs. New York City, for instance, has union and non-union buildings. Typical build-out costs of an office in a non-labor building are usually below $40 per square foot. However, this cost can extend to $100 per square foot in a labor building.

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How to Find a General Contractor for a Commercial Office Renovation

Office spaces are typically a primary way to actualize your business; they are a symbol of growth and overall organizational progression. An office space remodel often the most exciting phase in your business journey. Whether moving to a new location or revamping the general office space, it is an equally long and layered process. Delcoi looks to make the process of renovating your office more accessible. Hiring professionals can be demanding, but it is critical to achieving the perfect commercial renovation.

Read more and check out our checklist for office renovation to ensure a smooth and successful project.

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Minimalist Offices are often marked by their sleek and stylish design touches -or lack thereof. While this trend may not be for everyone, it is undoubtedly to consider when designing an office space. Nonetheless, there is no reason why you cannot add personal flair to minimalist office space by intentionally incorporating décor and color as accents throughout the rooms.

If you draw inspiration from fun design elements, you can incorporate them into a minimalist office design with various options. Playing around with materials, for instance, can help you create a contemporary minimalist office space.

Adding creativity to minimalist office spaces can take many forms. Here's a brief guide.

1. Office Space with a View

Choosing an office design that maximizes natural light while offering a great view is an idea you can never go wrong with. Whether you are looking to build a home office or commercial office, finding a way to incorporate a great view into your space is always beneficial. The use of large windows or glass walls can allow you to maximize space and allow a free flow of natural light. Good views are also known to be highly beneficial to mental health and are proven to lower stress levels.

Therefore, a minimalist office space can use views to incorporate style in the workspace with minimal effort.

home office with a view

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2. The Ladder Desk

Adding flare to a minimal home office can also be achieved through adding interior design elements like obscure but functional furniture to the space. A ladder desk is a popular trend in minimal office design because of its multi-purpose nature and the different shapes it introduces to traditional desk styles and a room in turn. Not to mention that pieces like this work especially well in small spaces. Being able to maximize an office space while still playing around with office design is possible; ladder desks are a testament to this. The stark and sleek nature of ladder desks also means that they do not negatively affect a minimalist, clean flow.

3. Organized Clutter

If your workspace does not have ample space, a great way to sort clutter out is by compartmentalizing it in a way that is creative. For example, in contemporary office designs, you can often find an office filled with organizational pieces and materials to sort out your office supplies.

Using shelves in walls filled with baskets can add style to your office space while keeping your work streamlined.

4. The Industrial Look

A top trend in office styling today has to be the industrial look. This design style is edgy and warm while having the ability to keep things minimal. The personal touches that the industrial look adds to your office can also bring a rustic feel through exposed brick, concrete, and wood accents.

5.  The Wall Calendar

Being able to reduce clutter is key to a minimal office look; having functional, multipurpose pieces can help achieve this. A wall calendar adds décor to your office space while serving a purpose. It can be considered a way to add color to a blank wall, creating a personal and fun feel to your office space in general.

6. Strong Colors

Don't be nervous about using bold colors to add an edge to your design choices. Minimal offices can incorporate dark wood or copper touches to dignify the ambiance; these materials often bring warmth and class to a minimal office. The personal touch this adds makes the use of bold colors strong talking pieces and gives your office space a creative touch that still aligns with minimalist design principles.

6.   Large Glass Window

It is scientifically proven that working with a view of a wall can add to stress levels for most. However, incorporating a glass window in front of your desk can go a long way in creating a minimalist workspace that is conducive to your work setup. Designing an office that makes it possible to indulge green spaces outside, bring in natural light, and work as a decorative element to your desk at no additional cost is always a win! 

7. Scandinavian Minimalism

Scandinavian countries are known for their light and earthy design technology and tradition. Whether Swedish or Finnish, Scandinavian minimalism is often airy and contemporary. The light tones from the use of bare wood and pastels, coupled with large window installations for natural light, only make Scandinavian minimalism even more desirable.

8. Minimalist Luxury

Striking a balance between an elegant finish and minimalist tradition, many people design and minimal office look for. Using minimal elements while maintaining sophistication in a home office can be achieved through furniture, color, and natural light. Mixing this design tradition with attractive chairs or lamps and light fixtures, for instance, can bring a perfect touch of minimalist luxury.

10.   Dark Walls

Like the use of strong colors, dark walls add an assertive element to the design of your office. The bold nature of color like black or a deep brown symbolizes confidence; it is a sign of your capabilities as a professional. The drama that a dark wall can add to a room is enough to reduce the need for any other design elements. The simplicity of a dark wooden desk in a dark room, for instance, allows you to make a bold statement while keeping to minimalist design traditions. Incorporating light through white ceilings or large windows will offset dark features, in many ways making them even more pronounced.

11. Space and Subtlety

Similar to Scandinavian design, centering clean design elements like blank spaces and light colors can accentuate the simplicity of minimalism. This style of office design is the core of any minimal office, and for many, simple is best! Using a sleek desk involving symmetry through flooring and consistent shapes adds sleek sophistication to any minimal office.

12.   Hidden Ports

Having ports for charging laptops, phones, and other technology is essential in modern times. A secret compartment for your charging port adds a minimalist touch to your office space. Being able to declutter electronics and cables removes the presence of unnecessary pieces in your office space. Any contemporary minimalist office needs hidden ports.

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Top Tips for a Minimalist Office.

Minimalist Offices are often marked by their sleek and stylish design touches -or lack thereof. While this trend may not be for everyone, it is undoubtedly to consider when designing an office space. Nonetheless, there is no reason why you cannot add personal flair to minimalist office space by intentionally incorporating décor and color as […]

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Cost of Remodeling an Office

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